NIA Academys  


Pioneering Innovator Network

  A course to raise awareness among regional entrepreneurs about the importance of implementing innovation to build competitiveness. The curriculum focuses on demonstrating pathways or approaches to developing innovation. In addition, it wants to create a space for the exchange of innovation knowledge between local governments and regional universities, and finally wants to create a network of innovation development in the area.





Languages used




What to expect

Network of cooperation between the public sector and the private sector To promote the upgrading of innovation development in the region and to drive innovation driven by regional government agencies.


  • To increase the number and create innovation capabilities for innovation professionals and innovation personnel in the area.
  • To be a space for the exchange of knowledge on innovation among the private sector. Social sector It is linked to the national innovation agency, education sector and local government, with the National Innovation Agency as the intermediary.
  • To create a network of private sectors, social sectors. Education sector and local government for the development of innovation in the area.

This course is suitable for

  • Entrepreneurs who have registered a juristic person or are registering on behalf of the company Limited partnerships, commercial stores, community enterprises
  • Executives or officials of government agencies involved in innovation in the area.
  • Educational personnel involved in the development of innovations in the area.

Activity structure

There are activities in the field of business concept development, innovation and branding. 7 modules consisting of:

1.Innovative Purpose with OKRs

  Setting business OKRs goals/business planning principles  

2.Business Model Navigator

  Critical thinking of the company's business plan

3.Design Thinking

  The creative process/difference creates added value.

4.Creative Marketing

  Inspiring business development with creative marketing


  Creating a brand identity


  Creating an interesting and engaging business story

7.IP for Innovation Management:




Activities to promote knowledge and develop innovation skills Build strong knowledge in both theory and practice to experiment and innovate, such as: Camps, theoretical trainings, and workshops 

Networking (Network Link tool)

Creating a network of young innovations and supporters of innovation development covering 4 regions

Expert pool

Lectures and consultations by qualified speakers or people with hands-on experience.

Capability Assessment & Certification (Tool bundles (Standardized and certified)

Certificate awarded to participants

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