NIA Academys  
Chief City Innovation Officer

Innovative City Executive Program

  Workshops to create leaders for urban change through innovation aim to create an understanding of urban innovation for senior management (C-Level) and those involved in urban and urban development. Exchange conversations with a network of successful city executives, learn to predict the future. (Foresight) Managing the database of urban development cities with economic principles. Understanding innovations to elevate cities and localities and urban development and innovations that lead to sustainability


  • To enhance the capacity of the city management group to be ready for the development and management of innovative cities.
  • To develop skills in strategic planning and innovative city management to city and local executives.
  • To create a network of senior management groups (C-Level) in the main target groups, including the public sector and private sector. Education, civil society, as well as support agencies and networks of partners to exchange experiences and participate in urban administration.

Target Group

  • At least 50 senior management groups (C-Level) related to Urban Development (City/Urban Development) from 5 groups
    • Public Sector
    • Organizations related to development and investors (Developer/Investor)
    • Semester (Academic)
    • Infrastructure Development and Service Providers Organizations
    • Civil Society

This course is suitable for

  • Young executives and leaders or those interested in urban development

What to expect

  • Enhance the ability of the city management group to be ready for the development and management of innovative cities based on knowledge of science, technology and innovation.
  • Develop skills in strategic planning and management of innovative cities that are based on international principles.
  • Knowledge and principles of model cities can be applied in the local context to achieve effective development, taking into account the picture of a sustainable future.
  • A network of executive groups in many sectors exchanges experiences and participation in urban administration.


  • 50,000 Baht
  • 50% discount fee to 25,000 baht

How to sign up

  • สมัครได้ที่นี่ เร็วๆ นี้


  • The entire course totals 48 hours.
  • 6 hours a day
  • 1 day a week
  • Held every Saturday for a total of 8 weeks

More Information

  • Language: Thai/English
  • Declaration : Yes

Course structure
The main points of training under the unit are 8 modules as follows:

1. Module 1 : City of the Future
2. Module 2 : The New Paradigm of City Economy
3. Module 3 : Urban Tech Innovation
4. Module 4: City in Crisis
5. Module 5 : Touchless Society
6. Module 6 : Region of Innovation
7. Module 7 : Data Science for City Management
8. Module 8 : Innovative Procurement



Activities to promote knowledge and develop innovation skills Build strong theoretical and practical knowledge to experiment with innovations such as theoretical training, workshops, seminars, webinars, and field trips.

Networking (Network Link tool)

Networking of C-Level executives and young leaders in multiple sectors

Expert pool

Inviting expert speakers and leading domestic and international luminaries to provide knowledge and words. advise

Capability Assessment & Certification (Tool bundles (Standardized and certified)

Tracking system for evaluating the innovation potential of individuals (Tracking System) To issue a certificate or certificate of knowledge.

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